BFBCI VP for Corporate Affairs Datu Jihad Abbas, representing BFBCI President Datu Nasraii Conding, attended the Belt and Road Summit 2019 Outreach Luncheon held at the Isabella Ballroom B, Shangri-La, Makati City. This is in preparation for the Belt and Road (BnR) Summit on Sept. 11-12, 2019 in Hong Kong. The Belt and Road Summit is a project of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
“The Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Belt and Road Summit can open up business prospects for Moro businesses,” said Datu Jihad Abbas.
Earlier in Beijing, China, last April 25-27, 2019 , Chinese President Xi Xinping welcomed the World leaders from 37 countries, including our very own President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, to the 2nd Belt and Road Forum. The Forum aims to build a “more open and efficient international cooperation platform; a closer, stronger partnership network; and to push for a more just, reasonable and balanced international governance system.”
The 2nd BnR Forum for International Cooperation April 2019