DTI and other Government Officials and Dr. Amor Pendaliday welcome Hon. DTI Asec Abdulgani M. Macatoman during the 1st Budayaw Festival of Culture held at General Santos City. Asec Macatoman is one of the guests of honor in the said festival.
Abdul International Peace Day sponsored by the Rotary Club of Quiapo, Central and the SPMUDA International, held at Camp Aguinaldo, September 21, 2017.
Prof Moner Bajunaid renown lecturer on Halal Market specially its potential in South East Asian Economy visited BFBCI Times Plaza Office, Prof. Moner is currently the Secretary General of National Ulama Conference of the Philippines(NUCP)
BFBCI Officials and Members join the good people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the occasion of Saudi Arabia’s 87th National Day. Alhamdulillah and Congratulations.
Islamic Microfinance Forum, sponsored by DTI and the Office of Muslim Affairs of City of Muntinlupa
Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.
The Bangsa Moro Federal Business Council, Inc.
A non-stock, non-profit domestic corporation organized under Philippine laws and registered at the Philippines’ Securities and Exchange Commission, Bangsa Moro Federal Business Council, Inc. (BFBCI) is envisioned to be to be the premier business organization in Mindanao, particularly in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) which will help steer the economic turnaround of Read More