BARMM represented at AFEX Istanbul 2023

The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) was successfully represented by its Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Ustaj Abdulkarim Tan Misuari, MP Denmartin Kahalan and Mr. Darwin Abdulkadil of the office of the Chief Minister., in the AFEX Istanbul 2023 event. It was a 3-day business conference and expo held at the Pullman Hotel and Convention Center in Istanbul, Turkiye, last August 29-31.

During the conference, the BARMM delegates were able to take full advantage of the B2B activities and promote the BARMM with leading experts and investors in various fields and industries. With the potential in BARMM for massive investments in all sectors of development, representation in events like AFEX’23 Istanbul has proven to be very effective in promoting the Bangsamoro economy.

The AFEX’23 was hosted and organized by the Turkish-African Business Association headed by it President Mr. Fatih Akbulut, in cooperation with the Bangsa Moro Federal Business Council, Inc.